Oct 15, 2010

PT RUKINDO (Persero) job vacancy

In 60-ies, dredging activity was done by government named Dredging Agency Services under the Directorate General of Sea Transportation. Then in 1964, the Dredging Agency become a part of the Harbour State Enterprise (Port Administration).
April 30, 1983, all division of Dredging Agency changed into PERUM PENGERUKAN (Public Corporation of Dredging Company) under Department of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. In accordance with development, on October 1, 1991 the form of perum has changed to a limited company named PT (Persero) Pengerukan Indonesia or PT RUKINDO.
Our Scope of Business
1. Dredging of access channel, harbor basin and other location that need dredging services
2. Reclamation, transportation of dredged materials, building and land development
3. Civil Work to be related with dredging, reclamation, building and land development
4. Consulting services for dredging activity, reclamation and land development
5. Hydrographi and topography survey and soil investigation
6. Repair, maintenance, building of dredger and auxiliaries, and other ships
7. Agent services of company/dredger and other services to be related with dredging and reclamation
8. Concession and sand minning
9. Rent of dredger, supported facility of dredger and ship crewing
Now PT Rukindo is opening The Jobs recruitment for 2010. The jobs detail can be seen below
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